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Developing Consonant Phonemic Awareness
ELL Unit Plan
Grade 1-3
Sophia Thraya

Language Learning Objectives
Content Objectives
Introduction to Consonant Brothers: Lip Poppers and Tip Tappers
Introduction to Scrapers
Review of Lip Poppers and Tip Tappers
Introduction to Lip and Tongue Coolers
and Review of Previous Brother Pairs
Introduction to Skinny Sounds, Fat Sounds and Fat Push Sounds
Review of Previous and Brother Pairs
Centers for All Brother Pairs
Introduction to Cousin Pairs: Nose Sounds, Wind Sounds and Wind Sounds
​After each pair is introduced (happens each lesson):
Students and look at teacher make the sound
Students make the sound and use their personal handheld mirror to observe what their mouth is doing
Student turns to their partner and describes what their mouth is doing to make the sound
The teacher reconvenes and ask students their observations and then explains what is happening in the mouth
Students can then write on paper, in the air or use playdough to form the letter and make the sound for the last time
Students fill in their personal consonant book
Watch letter-sound video of the day
Activity unique to the day:
Reading of Bob Book 1, pausing on each page to spot words with Lip Poppers and Tip Tappers
Before beginning the new lesson students organize the Lip Popper and Tip Tapper cards in the order:
mouth form card quiet phoneme noisy phoneme
Students will review their consonant book before learning new pairs
​After each pair is introduced (happens each lesson):
Students and look at teacher make the sound
Students make the sound and use their personal handheld mirror to observe what their mouth is doing
Student turns to their partner and describes what their mouth is doing to make the sound
The teacher reconvenes and ask students their observations and then explains what is happening in the mouth
Students can then write on paper, in the air or use playdough to form the letter and make the sound for the last time
Students fill in their personal consonant book
Watch letter-sound video of the day
Activity unique to the day:
Having a Lip Popper, Tip Tapper and Scraper scavenger hunt in the gym or outside--visuals images and verbal input used as clues
Before beginning the new lesson students organize the Lip Popper, Tip Tapper and Scraper cards in the order:
mouth form card quiet phoneme noisy phoneme
Students students will then point and say the pairs
Students will review their consonant book before learning new pairs
​After each pair is introduced (happens each lesson):
Students and look at teacher make the sound
Students make the sound and use their personal handheld mirror to observe what their mouth is doing
Student turns to their partner and describes what their mouth is doing to make the sound
Teacher reconviens and ask students their observations and then explains what is happening in the mouth
Students can then write on paper, in the air or use playdough to form the letter and make the sound for the last time
Students fill in their personal consonant book
Watch letter sound video of the day
Activity unique to the day:
Students will begin tracking simple chains using colored squares representing sounds that only change by one sound for example:
th d
th v
Before beginning the new lesson students organize the Lip Poppers, Tip Tappers, Scraper, Lip Cooler and Tongue Cooler cards in the order:
mouth form card quiet phoneme noisy phoneme
Students students will then point and say the pairs
Students will review their consonant book before learning new pairs
​After each pair is introduced (happens each lesson):
Students and look at teacher make the sound
Students make the sound and use their personal handheld mirror to observe what their mouth is doing
Student turns to their partner and describes what their mouth is doing to make the sound
The teacher reconvenes and ask students their observations and then explains what is happening in the mouth
Students can then write on paper, in the air or use playdough to form the letter and make the sound for the last time
Students fill in their personal consonant book
Watch letter-sound video of the day
Activity unique to the day:
Matching Phoneme Worksheet (See Student Resources tab)
Before beginning the new lesson students organize all brother pair cards in the order using the MIT scratchboard:
Students will then point and say all the pairs
Students will review their consonant book before center time
Activity unique to the day:
Today there will be three stations for students to go to
Visual audiobook listening where students will draw (or write if they can) words or objects they find in the book.
Tracking Center--teacher will be here during center time to check for progress
Matching Center
Before beginning the new lesson students organize the brother pair cards in the order:
mouth form card quiet phoneme noisy phoneme
Students students will then point and say the pairs
Students will review their consonant book before learning cousin pairs
​After each pair is introduced (happens each lesson):
Students and look at teacher make the sound
Students make the sound and use their personal handheld mirror to observe what their mouth is doing
Student turns to their partner and describes what their mouth is doing to make the sound
Teacher reconviens and ask students their observations and then explains what is happening in the mouth
Students can then write on paper, in the air or use playdough to form the letter and make the sound for the last time
Students fill in their personal consonant book
Activity unique to the day:
Eye spy cousin sounds in the story book read after each page read
The students will learn and or demonstrate their understanding and subsequent mastery of Lip Popper and Tip Tapper sounds by naming, pronouncing, comparing, contrasting, and explaining brother sounds.
Their consonant book will give students the space to write, and record their learning.
The students will learn and or demonstrate their understanding and subsequent mastery of Lip Popper, Tip Tapper and Scraper sounds by naming, pronouncing, comparing, contrasting, and explaining brother sounds.
Their consonant book will give students the space to write, and record their learning.
The students will learn and or demonstrate their understanding and subsequent mastery of Lip Popper, Tip Tapper, Scraper, Lip Cooler and Tongue Cooler sounds by naming, pronouncing, comparing, contrasting, and explaining brother sounds.
Their consonant book will give students the space to write, and record their learning.
The tracking activity targets students ability to determine the sounds they hear, and the changes of minimal pairs as suggested by Coelho (2016, p.67).
The students will learn and or demonstrate their understanding and subsequent mastery of Lip Popper, Tip Tapper, Scraper, Lip Cooler, Tongue Cooler, Skinny Sounds, Fat Sounds and Fat Push Sounds by naming, pronouncing, comparing, contrasting, and explaining brother & cousin sounds.
Their consonant book will give students the space to write, and record their learning.
The students will learn and or demonstrate their understanding of all brother pairs through the centers.
The students will learn and or demonstrate their understanding and subsequent mastery brother and cousin consonant phonemes by naming, pronouncing, comparing, contrasting, and explaining.
Their consonant book will give students the space to write, and record their learning.
The students will learn how to identify, label reproduce, describe memorize, review, categorize, and build the Lip Popper and Tip Tapper sets.
The students will learn how to identify, label reproduce, describe memorize, review, categorize, and build the Lip Popper, Tip Tapper and Scraper sets.
The students will learn how to identify, label reproduce, describe memorize, review, categorize, and build the Lip Popper, Tip Tapper, Scraper, Lip Cooler and Tongue Cooler sets.
The students will learn how to identify, label reproduce, describe memorize, review, categorize, match and build the Lip Popper, Tip Tapper, Scraper, Lip Cooler, Tongue Cooler Skinny Sounds, Fat Sounds and Fat Push Sound sets.
The students will learn how to use activities as methods of practicing their brother pair sounds.
The students will learn how to identify, label reproduce, describe memorize, review, categorize, and build the consonant phoneme sets.
Students will learn how to critically analyze their environment for consonant phonemes in both written, verbal and object form.
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